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1 result (author: CNIPMMR)

The call for support of SMEs in the fight with COVID- 19

Between 12.03.2020 and 15.03.2020, CNIPMMR conducted a comprehensive survey regarding the economic impact of…


4 results (author: CNIPMMR)

SMEs ask the government for dialogue and predictability

CNIPMMR draws attention to the fact that it is inappropriate to adopt fiscal measures…

The National Council of SMEs provides non-reimbursable financing for future social entrepreneurs

The project aims to provide training courses for future entrepreneurs

The National Council of SMEs in Romania requests economic support for the  impact with covid-19

SMEs are calling for quick action by public institutions to avoid the crisis

The Council of SMEs in Romania (CNIPMMR) and Groupama Asigurari launch the second edition of the Tourism Barometer in Romania

What are the main characteristics, risks, vulnerabilities and expectations of the domain?

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