

12 results (tag: riscuri)

Cum ne adaptam afacerea la un viitor incert?

Cum si-au adaptat companiile strategiile pentru a respecta politicile de securitate in…

WEBINAR- Rethink Strategy – Continuity, Challenges and Opportunities

DoingBusiness.ro in parteneriat cu Microsoft organizeaza joi 26.03.2020 webinarul BUSINESS…

Euler Hermes launches TradeMatch, an application that helps companies identify export risks and opportunities

Thanks to this new application, anyone can see the most dynamic and least risky…

Schneider Electric services dedicated to data centers improve operational efficiency by up to 15% and reduce risks

New digitized approach to operations for critical applications combines a software controlled…

Romania’s economy, leader of economic growth in the European Union, but major risks are transferred in 2017

Fiscal relaxation has positive effects, but there is a risk for advantages to be…

World Credit Congress & Exhibition reunites the most noteworthy global credit experts in Bucharest

Romania is the host of the 5th edition of the World Credit Congress &…

EC warns Romania and other 10 states that are facing high risks to the sustainability of public finances

The European Commission (EC) warned on Monday that 11 european countries, including Romania,…

The fifth edition of World Credit Congress & Exhibition, for the first time in Bucharest

International Collections Manager and Leadership Events organizes for the first time in…

Romania and United Kingdom, European leaders in psychological risks prevention for companies

At the third edition of Workplace Safety Management Forum conference, which will take…

Solutions for reducing risks and increasing business performance

Entrepreneurs and managers from Cluj and nearby counties have the opportunity to find…

About increasing the turnover: tactics and risks with Mihai Stanescu, speaker at Meet the MAN!

Mihai Stanescu, executive & business coach at RoCoach, is the speaker at the Meet…

 Women take fewer risks on the Internet

Kaspersky Lab Study reveals new findings on the psychological reasons behind the different…