

5 results (tag: prevederi)

BIRIS GORAN - Legal Alert -  Recomandare aplicabila entitaților din mediul privat și indeosebi celor cu un numar de peste 99 de angajați

Hotararea CNSSU nr. 7 din 11.03.2020 privind aprobarea hotararii nr. 9 a Grupului de…

BIRIS GORAN - Legal Alert - Lege zile libere parinti

Lege privind acordarea unor zile libere parinților pentru supravegherea copiilor in situația…

BUSINESS-to-more-BUSINESS Conference outlined the business framework for 2016

Romania's economy will continue to grow in 2016 , even in a climate of…

BUSINESS-to-more-BUSINESS - Is your company ready for sustainable growth?

BUSINESS-to-more-BUSINESS conference is an event designed for CEOs, top executives, managers,…

Lease contract in the context of the new stipulations of the Civil Code bring significant changes in the relationship developer - tenant

In 2012-2014 it is necessary to renew and renegotiate lots of lease contracts for…