

5 results (tag: competente)

CyberStart, the program to reduce the competence gap in the field of cyber security, launched by the EOS Foundation with the support of Microsoft, announces the first certified promotion

The frequency and diversification of cyber attacks for both users and companies encouraged…

Microsoft Romania and the EOS Foundation launch the CyberStarter project for the first time - an initiative aimed at reducing the skills shortage in the field of cyber security

Cyber ​​security is one of the pillars of Microsoft's strategy for Romania, and increasing…

BIRIS GORAN - Legal Alert - Lege zile libere parinti

Lege privind acordarea unor zile libere parinților pentru supravegherea copiilor in situația…

ECLD tests the digital competences of pupils and highschool students at Veranda Mall

Veranda Mall, in partnership with ECDL ROMANIA, offers students the possibility to test…

Skills for competitiveness, a technology project that supports labor market in Romania

Microsoft Romania and eJobs are launching „ Skills for competitiveness”, a project which…