

64 results (tag: to work)

Software innovation – a necessity

It is true that innovation doesn’t mean just the invention of things, but that…

The way from „IS” to „SHOULD”

Finding the best way to apply soft power and to make your company a…

The Drilling Roulette

We operate a concession in Suceava area, while Chevron focuses on an adjacent area…

Champs and flops in agriculture

The favored ones in these times are the tenants and the large winners are…

Repositioning HR function

In the context of last years’ economic environment, the HR Departments’ role has been…

10 Things we look for in our “Most Wanted Employees”

Irrespective of the times we live in, there have always been employees that companies…

Keeping the cost control in sight

We are facing the crisis for several years already, so I would say that…

Safe solutions in the crisis: internships, outsourcing, temporary staffing

Romania is in close line with worldwide trends: globalization, demographic and structural…

The “most wanted employee”:  skills, competencies, recruiting manners

Ana Ber, Managing Partner P&P Romania: During these tough times for economy, companies…

Catching up with EU peers

If one believes in the process of EU convergence, Romania should be a reasonably…

Besides anything else, ‘Self-Investment’ has become paramount for Romania

In a tense global economic environment like the one we’re experiencing today, investors…

The urge of treating with good will

A phenomenon that has to be underlined in the current background of healthcare landscape…