

60 results (tag: soft)

ALCONOR Company early 20 years  of effervescent experience

MCR Interview: Norbert Varga, CEO Alconor Company

Digital Innovation Leads to a Healthy and Growing Economy

One part of the current economic equation is that the biggest change for companies…

Romania, on the path of decreasing the usage of unlicensed software

Compliance is first of all a matter of education and awareness, starting at the…

The business analytics software industry, between innovation and need for restructuring

According to many analysts and those in the Hadoop community, more than half of…

Goals for 2014: continuing to grow while maintaining a prudential approach

One of our main goals is to grow, to develop our activity, but not…

Generally speaking, everything has changed

We still have the chance to become one of the best economic surprises in…

IBM helps clients identify, prevent and combat digital attacks

IBM helps thousands of clients address the challenges of securing their people, data,…

Lean on a “lean philosophy”

As our company is producing automotive components for almost all car manufacturers in…

Long-term innovation is the key to successful growth and development

When it comes to being innovative, the members of Cluj IT Cluster truly believe…

Innovation reshapes the future for a better run world

At SAP, we are trying to transform the IT industry with constant innovation, and…

Software innovation – a necessity

It is true that innovation doesn’t mean just the invention of things, but that…

The way from „IS” to „SHOULD”

Finding the best way to apply soft power and to make your company a…