

36 results (tag: incentives)

Making the transition from low-cost to innovation

When it comes to Romania and innovation I remain true to my belief that,…

Financing conventional energy – how and why

Investments in conventional energy in Romania are required considering the age of power…

The dares of Energiewende

Wind energy is the primary and a perfect complement to hydropower as a clean…

Solutions for growth

Within the international macroeconomic landscape, the priorities of agriculture sector…

Agriculture - Made in Romania

Agriculture states for a largely significant role in making the math regarding Romania’s…

Champs and flops in agriculture

The favored ones in these times are the tenants and the large winners are…

Switch in the collective business mental framework

A switch in the collective business mental framework is needed in order to ink…

The key word for the universal language of business is predictability

Romanian business and political elites should embark on a new major challenge, pooling…

There is plenty of room for mutual funds

Definitely there is a need for a proper understanding of what capital markets stand…

Reforming the health system - a priority

The reform of the health system which should be passed in a foreseeable future,…

Demographic evolution - challenging the business strategy

When it comes to social protection I do not believe the political orientation of…

Educating on the upsides of financial planning

Solving the issues of public health system should start with defining, interpretation…