

37 results (tag: economie)

Indecision today locks in higher costs tomorrow

Romania needs to enable a viable environment for investments in energy sector in Romania…

Change of Energy Paradigm

If Edison would have invented the infrared goggles instead of the incandescence lamp,…

Opportunities and decisions

Identifying and keeping the focus on the economy’s fundamentals should be the right attitude…

There is plenty of room for mutual funds

Definitely there is a need for a proper understanding of what capital markets stand…

Confidence -  the major gain of a new IMF agreement

I dare say that the most important thing a new agreement might bring is…

More to do in structural reforms and consolidating macro-stability

Given the financing needs perspectives, Romania does not have a particular need for a…

Taking on an opportunity

In order to move forward in economy, a matter of efficiency consists of identifying…

The power of options

An economy cannot call itself competitive if it doesn’t provide alternatives to the banking…

Safe solutions in the crisis: internships, outsourcing, temporary staffing

Romania is in close line with worldwide trends: globalization, demographic and structural…

The expectation game

Companies maintain their HR budgets to previous years’ level and there isn’t any different…

Besides anything else, ‘Self-Investment’ has become paramount for Romania

In a tense global economic environment like the one we’re experiencing today, investors…

How to predict the unpredictible

The construction market, including the cement market, had a good start in 2012, continuing…