

37 results (tag: economie)

Power, Performance, Innovation - The Pillars Which Support Our Activity

EnergoBit contributed a lot in the development of the renewable sector, by participating…

Romanian economy,  well set on the road to sustainable growth

The direction of the country remains positive, in our view, and the opportunities far…

We are going to experince a shift from export-led growth towards a more inclusive one based on internal consumption

The future of the local banking industry belongs to the banks with flexible cost…

The influence of economy  on patient behavior

Our problem is that we are not focused on exploiting what we have (like…

Romania's growth needs solid grounds and sustainable policies

Increasing competitiveness through innovation and R&D, brand enhancement and digitalization…

Showcasing entrepreneurial success

Entrepreneurs provide one of the main engines of growth in any healthy economy

Investment will remain a key

The ‘new normal’ in Romania, as in other EU countries, will be characterized by…

Consumption is the goal, investment is the means

Let’s not forget the economic crisis; it has taught us some lessons about consumption,…

When shopping centers become civic center

2013 added one more year to those of crisis. Simply, all market players had…

Packaging industry: innovation is the key word

The packaging industry was affected by the crisis that started in Europe at the…

Openness towards innovation should be cultivated

Michelin is a leading tire company, dedicated to sustainably improving the mobility of…

Making the transition from low-cost to innovation

When it comes to Romania and innovation I remain true to my belief that,…