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1 result (author: BRD - GROUPE SOCIETE GENERALE SA)  -View company profile

Confidence -  the major gain of a new IMF agreement

I dare say that the most important thing a new agreement might bring is…


4 results (author: BRD - GROUPE SOCIETE GENERALE SA)  -View company profile

More than 2,000 students from 132 high schools and 77 localities participate in the third edition of BRD FIRST Tech Challenge Romania

BRD FIRST Tech Challenge Romania, the biggest robotics competition for high-school students in Romania,…

The Transylvania Robotix team from Cluj-Napoca attends the Maryland Tech Invitational International Competition with the support of BRD

The robot Robotix team will participate, with the support of BRD - Groupe Société…

With #alittlehelp from BRD, the young Romanian robot designers have achieved an extraordinary performance at FTC Russia Open 2017

AutoVortex team, made up of students from several high-schools in Bucharest, managed an extraordinary…

First Impression Romania BRD-GSG- Financial results Q4 2012

BRD-GSG’s 4Q 12 unconsolidated results were a major disappointment, with a net loss wider…

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