

52 results (tag: Jobs)

Can Romania become more competitive in a global market?

A short answer is that it takes time in order to see sustainable results

Showcasing entrepreneurial success

Entrepreneurs provide one of the main engines of growth in any healthy economy

Recent disputes in the neighboring country show us how valuable energy security can be

Companies need to strongly embrace change (in order to be successful in this new…

As 2013 was a better year than 2012, 2014 will follow this trend

Companies are more and more focused on coping with the challenging business environment…

Business Process Outsourcing - a market in evolution

2013 is shaping up to be another year of mediocre growth for Romania, with…

Lean on a “lean philosophy”

As our company is producing automotive components for almost all car manufacturers in…

The way from „IS” to „SHOULD”

Finding the best way to apply soft power and to make your company a…

With shale gas - towards energy independence?

The recent intense debate about the future of the shale gas in Europe has…

Change of Energy Paradigm

If Edison would have invented the infrared goggles instead of the incandescence lamp,…

Addressing a rational informed consumer

If I were to describe the consumer in 2 words, and I am referring…

Opportunities and decisions

Identifying and keeping the focus on the economy’s fundamentals should be the right attitude…

Recalibrating the engines of growth. EU Funds role in building infrastructure

The mindset is the first to be changed in approaching business opportunities as different…