

254 results (tag: sua)

Banking fraud, AML and KYC compliance in the era of COVID-19

Opinion article by Burcin Atakan, Partner, and Ioana Ungureanu, Manager, Financial Advisory,…

PwC global survey: 73% of CFOs are greatly concerned about the effects of COVID-19 on their operations

The main concern remains, in this context, the maintenance of jobs until the peak…

OECD Secretariat Analysis of Tax Treaties and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis

Below you can find the main guidelines offered in this study

Government Emergency Ordinance no. 38/2020 on the use of electronic documents by the public authorities and institutions

GEO 38/2020 sets forth general rules on the use of the electronic signature and…

Aspects relating to contravention and criminal liability in the context of the state of emergency declared as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic

The legal framework, the criminal liability and the contravention liability in the context…

Additional legislation on the facilities granted to the debtors under loan agreements

A summary of the main aspects or clarifications brought in by the Rules

Why Romanian economic recovery requires helicopter money to individuals

By Dimitrios Goranitis, Risk and Regulatory Advisory Partner, Deloitte Romania

90% of companies believe that deferral of tax obligations payment is the most useful of the fiscal measures taken in the current context

Many companies find it difficult to provide liquidity and need government support

Which Countries and Cities Are Most Vulnerable to Coronavirus?

The COVID-19 pandemic also poses a great threat to ageing cities in Europe -…

Implications from the perspective of the protection of the personal data of the employees in the fight against COVID-19

Opinion material by Andreea Bira, Senior Associate, Cristina Iacobescu, Senior Associate,…

Signing of distance contracts in the context of the spread of COVID-19

By Liliana Dranca (Senior Associate) and Irina Suatean (Associate) - Filip & Company

Short guide for preparing the business continuity plan

Opinion material by Claudiu Constantinescu, Senior Manager, and Raluca Anton, Risk Management…