

83 results (tag: renewable energy)

EY Study: Volatile conditions accelerate global renewables market

Corporate power purchase agreements remain strong despite high power prices and market…

PwC: Romania ranks 39th out of 61 countries for attractiveness for green infrastructure investment

Romania’s best ranking is in the macroeconomic environment, where it comes 25th, based…

Deloitte study: Romanians believe that climate change is caused by human activities and they are adjusting purchasing behavior to limit negative impact on environment

The study also reveals that climate change has become a source of anxiety, especially…

PwC Survey: Fewer than half of the companies in the EU are familiar with the Green Deal and are prepared for the measures it involves

The EU is expected to introduce more than 1,000 different levies to partially fund…

PwC/World Economic Forum report: An international carbon price floor could spur greater emissions reduction

Adopting an international carbon price floor could be the most effective measure to encourage…

Norway tops KPMG’s first-ever Net Zero Readiness Index

Despite being one of the world’s largest oil and gas exporters, Norway topped this…

Genesis Property: Romanian employees recognise the importance of healthy offices. 43% of employees want healthy offices and 26% also want them to be green

Romanians give increased importance to sustainability, both through resource efficiency…

BAT Romania invites innovative companies and start-ups to the partnership for sustainability

BAT believes in developing sustainable partnerships, as well as supporting its business…

EY Romania report: Renewables can accelerate the decarbonisation of the Romanian energy sector, but public initiatives must be synchronised with business intentions

In Romania, the decarbonisation of the energy sector is largely based on the support…

Conditions ripe for already resilient M&A activity to accelerate in 2021 and beyond

Following a rollercoaster year for mergers and acquisitions (M&A), the increase in year-over-year…

Renewable energy sector is expected to bounce back quickly despite the impact of COVID-19

The latest index considers the potential impact of the pandemic, looking at the resiliency…