

94 results (tag: preferences)

Major management practices changed by AI

Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions

What jobs did Romanians look for at the beginning of the year: the positions of driver, engineer and medical assistant appear in the first places in the candidates' preferences

With almost 10,000 searches, remote jobs remain in the sights of candidates in 2023…

Deloitte study: inflation, workforce challenges, cyber risks and climate-related regulations will impact the most real estate companies’ revenues this year

The study also shows that the companies’ interest to invest in technology is decreasing…

Accenture Identifies Emerging Group of Industry Leaders Adopting ‘Total Enterprise Reinvention’ as a Strategy to Reach New Performance Frontier

‘Reinventors’ invest in new technologies, find new ways of working and transform their…

Deloitte study: banks’ profitability to decrease over the next year and to return to current levels in 2026

The direct and indirect effects of the global economy will be felt disparately across…

ESG faces a make-or-break moment as the industry comes of age

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing and reporting is facing existential…

Deloitte study: Romanians believe that climate change is caused by human activities and they are adjusting purchasing behavior to limit negative impact on environment

The study also reveals that climate change has become a source of anxiety, especially…

[eJobs salary index] almost half of telecom employees earn over 4,000 lei per month. The average net salary in the industry is 4,200 lei

Telecom is one of the few areas in which we see a very balanced…

EY Romania Attractiveness Survey: The appetite for investment is still high in 2022

After two years of pandemic and the situation in Ukraine, Romania remained a preferred…