

85 results (tag: pharma)

Deloitte survey: 70% of CIOs and IT leaders accelerated their finance transformation strategies by at least a year due to COVID-19

45% of CIOs and IT leaders say they need to innovate more quickly and…

PwC Global Report: Companies will look different over the next three years due to new business and business models supported by digitalization

All sectors will undergo transformations, the most important being expected in pharma,…

PwC Romania report: The local mergers and acquisitions market decreased by 6% last year, but is still at a high level

The 2020 mergers and acquisitions market in Romania decreased by 6% compared to 2019,…

Fixed headquarters - a new direction in recent tax inspections. Analysis of cross-border business structures, essential to prevent additional VAT obligations

Author: Georgiana Iancu, EY Romania Partner, Coordinator of the Indirect Taxes Department,…

HR Barometer: Romanians opted for job security in 2020. Staff turnover in Romanian companies decreased to 17.2%

Of that 17.2%, the majority (13.2% of total staff) were voluntary terminations

Valoria survey: 67% of companies rely on streamlining their product/service portfolio and sales channels to grow in 2021

The new edition of the study "Evolution of business in Romania" conducted by Valoria…

Romania’s M&A market recovering after COVID-19, KPMG survey reveals

In this particular context, the survey found a strong sense of optimism, with 61%…

Digitalization of decision in companies

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends, and Technologies Expert

Studiu Valoria: Multe industrii fac Valoria survey: Many industries are just taking their first steps in digitalizationabia primii pasi in digitalizare

If managers in most industries do not consider digital business models a threat to…

How far has the digitalization of Romanian industries advanced?

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

Valoria survey: 78% of respondent companies are struggling with a drastic drop in demand

The new edition of the survey "The Business Outlook in 2020" conducted by Valoria…

HR Barometer PwC Romania: Almost 75% of companies say that employee productivity remained constant or increased after the implementation of working from home policies

Of the respondents who mentioned increased productivity, 76% say that the main factor…