

537 results (tag: pandemic)

Reopening and pivoting of companies

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

PwC Romania Survey: 65% of companies didn’t apply measures to reduce employee costs in the first two months of the state of emergency

Cost-cutting companies have adopted a mix of measures applied differently depending on…

Coronavirus Will Transform Consumer Behaviour

Food & non-alcoholic beverages will be the only spending category with positive growth…

How is influenced the value of the business by the crisis generated by Covid-19?

Material by Sorin Petre, PwC Romania Partner and Ileana Gutu, PwC Romania Senior Manager

The sole European electronic format for annual financial reporting, a new challenge for listed companies

Opinion material by Corina Dimitriu, Partner, and Laura Deaconescu, Senior Manager, Audit,…

New set of CoVid-19 measures - State of Alert. Rules and recommendations for employers

By adopting GD 394/2020, the state of alert was implemented for a period of…

EY Geostrategic Outlook: Four megatrends that are changing the business landscape

While COVID-19 dominates the headlines, the framework for managing geopolitical risk effectively…

Life in the „touchless” economy

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

Tax cuts for commercial space owners - an equation with many unknowns

Opinion material by Andreea Vlad, Manager, Direct Taxes and Cristina Manea, Senior Consultant,…

Technology is essential in adapting companies to change, but planning and talent make the difference

Dinu Bumbacea, Partner, Business Consulting Leader, PwC Romania

Coronavirus Pandemic to Change Consumer Payments

The economic shock has already manifested itself in a variety of ways across industries,…

Displaying reviews in online commerce - future legal obligations, but also potential competitive advantage

Opinion material by Silvia Axinescu, Senior Managing Associate, and Andreea Bira, Senior…