

262 results (tag: outlook)

COVID-19 pandemic slows global IPO activity YTD 2020

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continued to play a significant role in declining…

Deloitte study: Central Europe CFOs reach pessimism peak amid uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic

In this context, the majority of CFOs across all industries think that conditions in…

Allianz achieves 2.6 billion euros operating profit in 2Q 2020

Quarterly and Half-Year Earnings Release

PwC Top 100 listed companies in the world:  Strong recovery in market value in the second quarter after the decline caused by the pandemic outbreak

The Global Top 100 companies ranks the largest public companies by their market capitalisation…

Coronavirus Global Economic Outlook: July 2020

This baseline forecast is assigned a 41.0-51.0% probability at a one-year horizon

PwC Global Top 100 companies: COVID-19 pandemic has reduced by USD 3,9 trillion the market capitalisation of the 100 largest listed companies in the world

This medical crisis has led to a short-term decline in the performance and market…

Consumer Markets Under Pressure in 2020

Personal accessories (-13%), apparel and footwear (-11%) and eyewear (-8%) are all expected…

EY Geostrategic Outlook: Four megatrends that are changing the business landscape

While COVID-19 dominates the headlines, the framework for managing geopolitical risk effectively…

Allianz reports 2.3 billion euros operating profit in 1Q 2020

The COVID-19 aggravated business conditions for the financial services industry. However,…

Coronavirus Global Economic Outlook: April 2020

Advanced economies are expected to be the hardest hit in this recession

PwC global survey: 64% of companies plan new safety measures when reopen work sites and 47% will make remote work a permanent option

Most companies have moved beyond the short-term, reactive phase of the novel coronavirus…

EY Future Consumer Index: Four consumer behavior trends emerge during the COVID-19 pandemic

The four segments identified could morph into five very different ones as the crisis…