

492 results (tag: labor)

CEO confidence in growth down

Only 36% of CEOs worldwide are ‘very confident’ of their company’s growth prospects in…

Looking beyond the obvious: Globalization and new opportunities for growth

Looking beyond the obvious: globalization and new opportunities for growth draws on three…

CEE Weekly Bond Market Outlook

Another difficult year draws to a close. A year of economic contraction, rising unemployment,…

Ernst & Young: Eurozone Forecast - Winter edition, December 2012

Another difficult year draws to a close. A year of economic contraction, rising unemployment,…

Global Oil and Gas Reserves Study

Global oil reserves increased by 1% and 4% gas reserves in 2011. Revenues from…

Renewable energy country attractiveness indices

What will future generations say about 2012? New markets have ricocheted across the renewables…

The two-headed healthcare system – the dinosaur and the phoenix. Expected trends for the coming years

The healthcare system in Romania is dominated by the public sector, through an array…

Banking in 2012: towards a more regulated market

Two of the most significant events in the banking sector in 2012 were the…

Romanian pharmaceutical market, report by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants

The local pharmaceutical market is one of the few economic sectors least affected by…

Urban infrastructure: smart cities. Report KPMG Romania

Cities are striving to provide a raft of critical urban infrastructure assets to support…

An overview of the Romanian electricity market, report by PwC Romania

In Romania, state-owned companies account for over 90% of domestic electricity generation,…

Tax legislation from wishing to reality - Report by Mazars Romania

One of the tax paradoxes in Romania is that steady changes represent the sole…