

40 results (tag: global trends)

Clifford Chance Global M&A Trends 2024

Deal-making will be driven by the decarbonisation, digitalisation and deglobalisation…

ESG in Romania: from opportunities to obligations

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Expert Trends and Emerging Technologies

Deloitte study: the inflexible work schedule is the main reason why women changed jobs during the last year or plan to change them now

Women feel they need to prioritize the careers of their partners, who are the…

Romanians also align themselves with global trends, 8 out of 10 Romanian candidates would change their job for higher incomes and better development opportunities

60% would refuse a good offer if they had a negative experience during recruitment

The world’s top companies are improving on climate reporting, but more progress is needed in key areas of sustainability & ESG

For this year's edition of the Sustainability Report, the sustainability & ESG reports…

EY Study: Just 7% of government leaders feel their organization has met its digital transformation goals

The new report indicates that responding government workforces are ill-prepared to capitalize…

Global Trends in The Commodities Market

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Deloitte study: most working women feel an increasing level of stress, many are facing burnout and plan to resign

On the other hand, the study shows a significant difference in the status and…

Remote working remains popular but tax and legal aspects should be understood

A large majority of the companies surveyed are building remote working into their long…

Deloitte report: women to occupy less than a third of leadership roles in the financial services companies by 2030

Women’s presence in the C-suite is frequently seen as a beacon of inspiration, but…

EY study: 25% of Romanian companies are not prepared for a transfer pricing inspection

Our study confirms the statements of macroeconomists, who talk about a solid position…

How did the software companies in Romania evolve in the pandemic and what are the industry trends for 2022-2023

The study wants to confirm or deny, as the case may be, the compliance…