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57 results (tag: energy efficiency)

Colliers: Economic growth below expectations in 2024, but a stellar year for retail, tourism and infrastructure

Although the latest economic news is not exactly favorable, progress in infrastructure…

Deloitte study: seven out of ten companies in Romania expect an increase in impact of circular economy regulations, while transparent communication and stakeholder information appear as top priorities of the transition

With increasingly dense European and local regulations, companies in Romania are starting…

Schneider Electric Romania integrates artificial intelligence to increase operational and energy efficiency

Considered to be as revolutionary as PCs and the Internet in the past, artificial…

ENGIE Romania supports five environmental and urban biodiversity projects with 1.5 million lei through the Environmental Platform for Bucharest

The project aims to turn a school into a model of energy efficiency, to…

Evaluation services from Schneider Electric for sustainability and decarbonization

The new services that the company offers to existing customers, but also to other…

Deloitte study: sustainability remains a top three priority for companies globally

85% of them have increased investments in the “green” transition over the last year,…

Schneider Electric’s Building Decarbonization Calculator Empowers Building Owners in Reducing Carbon Footprint

This innovative digital tool is designed to assist building owners and operators in reducing…

10 civic initiatives solving environmental problems win funding of up to 15,000 euro through the Environmental Platform for Bucharest

Over the next two years, the Environmental Platform for Bucharest will invest approximately…

AAylex ONE and its Cocorico brand for a green and competitive Europe

The value of the Cocorico brand lies in the premium quality of the products…

PwC CEO Survey Romania 2024: More than a third of Romanian CEOs believe their company's business model needs to be reinvented to survive in the next decade

The conclusion of the survey is that in order to remain viable and profitable…

The impact of the increase in energy prices on households in Romania. A call to energy efficiency

Author: Mihai Draghici, Partner, Consulting, EY Romani

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