

56 results (tag: emerging technologies)

EY study: Companies are increasingly investing in 5G technology. Europe leads the way

Enterprises are looking to 5G to help alleviate immediate business pressures brought by…

EY study: Companies are increasingly investing in 5G technology. Europe leads the way

85% of survey respondents say the global health crisis is driving 5G interest

What are the characteristics of agile teams?

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

How did the software companies in Romania evolve in the pandemic and what are the industry trends for 2022-2023

The study wants to confirm or deny, as the case may be, the compliance…

Conditions ripe for already resilient M&A activity to accelerate in 2021 and beyond

Following a rollercoaster year for mergers and acquisitions (M&A), the increase in year-over-year…

What will matter in 2021? Relevant trends and forecasts

Author: Elena Badea, Managing Partner, Valoria Business Solutions

2021, adventures in uncertainty or pragmatic transformation?

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Expert, Trends and emerging technologies

COVID-19 forces one of the biggest surges in technology investment in history, finds world’s largest technology leadership survey

Companies spent the equivalent of around US$15bn extra a week on technology to enable…

Valoria: The third edition of the Barometer of Digitalization will show how much companies in Romania have advanced with the digital transformation

The consulting company Valoria has started collecting the answers for the third edition…

The opportunities are beyond the defensive approach

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies Expert

How we prepare for the post-COVID economy

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Expert, Trends and Emerging Technologies

PwC global survey: 74% of companies intend to increase the investments in technology to improve HR processes

PwC’s Human Resources Technology Survey explores the effectiveness of technology investments…