

223 results (tag: difference)

PwC Romania Survey: 65% of companies didn’t apply measures to reduce employee costs in the first two months of the state of emergency

Cost-cutting companies have adopted a mix of measures applied differently depending on…

Life in the „touchless” economy

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends and Technologies Expert

Technology is essential in adapting companies to change, but planning and talent make the difference

Dinu Bumbacea, Partner, Business Consulting Leader, PwC Romania

Balance of payments and external debt – March 2020

Data are updated on a monthly basis

Mental Toughness - the reality that makes the difference

Mental Toughness helps us see where we really are and understand what path we…

Deloitte real estate experts: Postponement of rent, a temporary solution with possible chain effects

It is important that the focus is less on determining who bears the contractual…

Deloitte Romania created a calculator that estimates wage costs for employers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

The latest changes in labour legislation allow employers to implement certain measures…

7 marketing and sales challenges in the post-COVID economy

Author: Elena Badea, Managing Partner, Valoria Business Solutions

Romania – Results of the annual EIB Investment Survey (EIBIS) presented in Bucharest

The National Bank of Romania and the European Investment Bank (EIB) held today a…

Corporate sustainability - A new way of doing business

Article by Ph.D. Eng. Silviu Stoica, General Manager, Ramboll South-East Europe

Millennials and Generation Z, insecure and pessimistic about the evolution of society, their career and future

Millennials and Generation Z face insecurities and pessimism regarding the evolution of…

Roland Berger study: Artificial intelligence will significantly influence the competitiveness of insurance companies in the next 3-5 years - 2 out of 3 players in the EU consider the topic of strategi

The differences in competitiveness will be accentuated following the implementation of…