

194 results (tag: companii)

Romania will implement electronic invoicing from 2024: What are the implications for companies?

Inge Abdulcair, Director of PwC Romania and Ramona Curta, Senior Manager of PwC Romania

Warners in the public interest from the ESG perspective: Why is it important for companies to implement internal reporting procedures?

Daniel Vinerean, Senior Coordinator Lawyer, D&B David si Baias and Ecaterina Boca, ESG…

Focusing on Customer, factor of growth and differentiation for companies

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Expert in Trends and Emerging Technologies

PwC Top 100 listed companies in the world: The market value registered the first significant decrease in the last 14 years, by 11%

The evolution reflects the difficult context for stocks due to the continuous tightening…

What are the challenges for companies and tax administrations in the context of adopting a global minimum tax?

Authors: Monica Todose - Director, Ala Popa - Senior Manager and Ana-Maria Ioana Iatcu…

Romania imposes new fiscal reporting obligations for multinationals. What do the targeted companies need to know?

Opinion material by Maria Butcu, Director, and Evelina Calin, Manager, Outsourced Service…

The performance of companies depends on rethinking the response to risks

Author: Mircea Bozga, Risk Assurance Partner PwC Romania

Cybercrime is the most widespread and disruptive event experienced by companies in the last two years. What steps should you follow if you have been the victim of a cyber attack?

Authors: Mircea Bozga, Partner, PwC Romania and Ana Sebov, Director and Forensic Leader,…

What does greenwashing mean and what are the consequences for companies: Regulation of the phenomenon and the introduction of sanctions are imminent

Authors: Ana Maria Iordache, Partner D&B David si Baias and Ecaterina Boca, ESG Manager,…

EY Romania survey: The fiscal facilities granted for research and development are still insufficiently accessed by Romanian companies

The Romanian Fiscal Code contains provisions related to the research-development activity…