

6 results (tag: Vacanta)

eJobs&Up Romania survey: 7 out of 10 employees receive extra-salary benefits. The most appreciated are meal vouchers, medical insurance, performance bonuses and holiday vouchers

93% would like to be able to manage their monthly budget by themselves in…

Eurostat: Romanians spend, on average, 135 euros for a holiday, least from the EU

According to Eurostat, Romanians living in the European Union spend, on average, least…

Further growth and variety in the area of employee benefits

Growth has resumed, slowly but steadily, as business owners and managers focus once more…

80% of the Romanians who buy luxury vacations do their research online

According to an internal study conducted by the travel agency Paralela 45, 80% of…

Over 35% of summer vacations are purchased through special offers

According to an internal study conducted by Paralela 45, over 35% of summer vacations…