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The number of tourists who spent their holidays at the Romanian seaside increased by 20%

Mamaia, Venus and Eforie, the top choices

The number of tourists who chose to spend their holidays at the Romanian seaside grew, in 2015, with around 18-20%, declared, on Tuesday, the representatives of the hotel service unions, reports AGERPRES.

The increase is due to the intense promotion campaign of the seaside, which started during the fall, last year, to the large number of events organized in all seaside resorts, to the improvements in the standards of hospitality services offered by hotels and owners of hospitality structures, as well as to the measures adopted by the Government lately, which had a direct impact on stimulating a growth in tourism demand, according to a press release of the Seaside – Danube Delta Association, published by AGERPRES.

For more information, please see the Romanian version of the article, here.


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