

153 results (tag: Digital Transformation)

Romanian industries facing or fearing AI?

Change is one of the biggest fears humanity has developed. Leaving our comfort zone…

Business (r)Evolution Conference in Bucharest, Digitization - Trend or Tsunami? How does digitization transform Romania's economy

Leading executives from local and multinational companies and major entrepreneurs from…

Digitalize your business and increase the turnover

With only 42% of companies having a website, with 33% of employees using the…

Which are the most digitized industries in Romania?

Earlier this month, Valoria launched the Barometer of Digitalization in Romania 2018.…

Valoria survey: In 2018, leaders of 6 out of 10 companies do not have the skills needed to develop a digital business model

According to the survey "The Barometer of Digitization 2018", conducted by Valoria in…

Trends and Challenges in the Digitalisation of HR in Romanian Companies

Human resources professionals are undergoing a profound transformation generated by technological…

The new priorities of banks are growth, digitization and innovation

85% of the banks say that implementation of a digital transformation program is a…

Trends in digital transformation for 2018

There are notions which, through the frequency of their use, lead to satiety. You…

Digital transformation of SMEs in Romania

Digitization is for all companies, from multinationals to small and medium enterprises.…

The route to digital business leadership

Digital leaders are very effective at aligning business and IT strategy at 2x the…

Obstacles and benefits for the digitalization of Romanian companies

Increasingly more the vacation is no longer a disconnect experience because relaxation…

Digital transformation. About technology and people

Digital transformation is at the top of global development strategy priorities, according…