

393 results (tag: Deloitte)

Deloitte CE CFO Survey: Growing concerns about the financial and economic uncertainty

Romanian CFOs show higher degree of pessimism compared to CE peers

Deloitte Global TMT Predictions for 2019: launch of 5G services, smart speakers boost and democratization of AI

The much awaited fifth-generation (5G) networks are due to arrive in scale, providing…

Deloitte: 2019 will count around 100 M&A deals, NPL transactions to further decrease

The most dynamic sectors of the M&A market in 2019 are expected to be…

Deloitte study: Drowning in data, but starving for insights

Starting the digital supply network journey with legacy systems

Deloitte study: Blockchain and the five vectors of progress

Blockchain technology continues to inspire widespread enthusiasm. But for most enterprises,…

Deloitte analysis: Intense activity on the Romanian M&A market in 2018

The Romanian M&A market neared 2 billion euros in 2018, according to Deloitte Romania…

Deloitte Legal study: The GDPR - 6 months after implementation

The supervisory and control authorities in the field of personal data from the vast…

Deloitte Study: Voice of Workforce in Europe. What are the expectations of the employees and how can the employers adapt to the new trends?

Demographic and technological changes are the two major trends that transform the workforce,…

Deloitte report: Two billion youth risk of being left behind in the Fourth Industrial Revolution workforce

By 2030, more than half of the almost two billion youth worldwide will not…

Deloitte Analysis: Gross minimum wage in Romania compared to the Central and Eastern European countries

The gross minimum wage in Romania is higher than the average of the Central…

Deloitte analysis: How do Romania and other European countries assess the fiscal risk with implications for tax audits and VAT registration

The notion of "risk analysis", used by tax authorities in order to initiate audits…