

241 results (tag: CEO)

Opening doors for women working in government

Who leads the public sector is important. Its leaders make decisions that affect millions…

Moving Europe forward - Innovating for a prosperous future

With Ernst & Young’s latest Eurozone Forecast predicting a contraction of 0.5% in 2013,…

Designing, Motivating and Building a World Class Sales Team

Post-recession economy poses many challenges, one of which is how to build a sales…

‘Best practice’ is killing talent management

Many organizations continue to take a generic ‘best practice’ approach to one of their…

The main risks that threathen the business enivornment in 2013

Business interruption, natural catastrophes and fire represent the top three risks for…

CEO confidence in growth down

Only 36% of CEOs worldwide are ‘very confident’ of their company’s growth prospects in…

Rethinking Human Resources in a Changing World

A new study from KPMG International shows that the “war for talent” is crucial…

The long road to effectiveness

Transport and cargo industry in Romania carries some of the most important privatization…

With a slow economic recovery ahead, retailers cannot afford to think short term

One year ago, I was writing about how mass grocery retailers bet on accelerated…

Circle of trust: relying on the right partner

Take a market, any market, and try to assess its strong points as well…

Ensight study: „What is the current status of HR in Romania? - second edition, 2012

Ensight Management Consulting presents the results of the study „What is the current status…

Better than expected

The Romanian machinery sector, which includes aircraft, railway, military and naval producers,…