TIMLOGO.ro receives the AI ​​for Accessibility grant from Microsoft

TIMLOGO.ro receives the AI ​​for Accessibility grant from Microsoft

Timlogo.ro receives an AI for Accessibility grant from Microsoft to support the company's efforts to help children and adults have easier access to speech therapy.

By using cognitive tools, the platform will be able to adapt to the individual needs of users.

This new grant will provide Ascendia eLearning company loan of $ 15 000 on Microsoft Azure to accelerate project development Timlogo

In Romania, of about 4 million children, 10% - that is, 400,000 - have language disorders, and their number is rising. Unfortunately, there are no modern instruments that meet the needs of everyone.

In addition, the number of speech therapies and language therapies at national level is low and the methods used are not adapted to the patient's age and have a low degree of interactivity.

With the help of Microsoft and the AI ​​Accessibility Program, we can improve the platform's machine learning system and develop our expanding approach to neighboring countries.

"Timlogo proposes an interactive speech-enhancing platform based on artificial intelligence and language-adapted peptology, adapted to the age of the patient, to be used both during the therapy sessions, at the cabinet and at home, and, last but not least, accessible to any budget, "said Alex Malureanu, CMO and Ascendia co-founder.

"We started the partnership with Ascendia four years ago, supporting them with cloud resources in Microsoft Azure to support their start-up ideas in education. We are very glad that Ascendia has since developed products designed not only for formal education but also a special platform for children with language problems called Timlogo.
This innovative solution, in fact, shows that the artificial intelligence used in the Azure, with virtually limitless power and intelligence in the cloud, may even make us a better life.
Congratulations, Ascendia, because you are one of the first digital transformation startups in the world, as demonstrated by the Azure grant received from Microsoft's AI accessibility division, "said Microsoft's Education Director Marilena Ionascu.

AI for Accessibility is the $ 25 million Microsoft program for 5 years to build on the strength of AI to develop human capacity for more than one billion people with disabilities around the world.

It is an opportunity for developers, NGOs, academics, researchers and inventors to accelerate their work to the benefit of people with disabilities, focusing on three challenges: employment, everyday life and communication and connectivity. Through grants, technology and AI expertise, the program aims to increase the development of affordable and intelligent AI solutions and build on recent developments in Microsoft Cognitive Services to help developers create smart applications that can see, hear, speak, understand and interpret people's needs.

Timlogo.ro is created by Ascendia, the first Romanian elearning company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (ASC trading symbol), with more than 10 years experience in creating digital content and customers from different parts of the world.

It is known especially for the EduTeca and Dacobots product range for children as well as for the development of personalized educational modules within the private companies' elearning systems.

Please visit the AI ​​for Accessibility website and www.timlogo.ro for more information.









