The 8th Barometer provides a snapshot of our findings, gauges corporate confidence in the economic outlook and identifies boardroom trends and practices in the way companies manage their Capital Agenda.
Respondent profile:
?EIU panel of almost 1,600 executives surveyed in February and March 2013
?43 respondents from Romania
?Companies from 50 countries
?Respondents from more than 20 industry sectors
?794 CEO, CFO and other C-level respondents
?More than 912 companies would qualify for the Fortune 1,000 based on revenues
Credit is increasingly available globally—almost half of respondents see improvement
?At 49%, number of respondents seeing improvement is the highest it has been in the last two years
?US and China have the highest levels of confidence in credit availability at the global level
?14% are seeing a decline in credit availability are the lowest in two years
Find the complete study in the pdf attached document