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16 results (tag: cost-cutting)

How marketing can contribute to the resilience of the company

Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions

EY Study: CFOs need to make bolder change to deliver lasting transformation

CFOs that drive bolder change in their finance teams can deliver better performance today…

EY Future Consumer Index: Rising costs dent post-pandemic hopes

Driven largely by the inflationary impact on prices and the anticipation of new COVID-19…

PwC survey: 53% of entrepreneurs in Central and Eastern Europe predict revenue declines over the next 12 months and only 7% expect growth

Revenues will decrease next year, taking into account cost-cutting measures, employee…

PwC Romania Survey: 65% of companies didn’t apply measures to reduce employee costs in the first two months of the state of emergency

Cost-cutting companies have adopted a mix of measures applied differently depending on…


1 result (tag: cost-cutting)

PwC Family Business Survey Romania: Family businesses - an engine for economic growth

Family businesses are an engine for economic growth, but need Government support in designing…

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