

55 results (tag: investitii)

Nova Power & Gas continues investments and inaugurates a natural gas network in Huedin, in a first stage of development worth 11.3 million lei

Electrogrup, as general contractor, ensured the execution of the works

European funds for working capital and investments for SMEs

Author: Roxana Mircea, REI Finance Advisors

Cum ne adaptam afacerea la un viitor incert?

Cum si-au adaptat companiile strategiile pentru a respecta politicile de securitate in…

WEBINAR- Rethink Strategy – Continuity, Challenges and Opportunities

DoingBusiness.ro in parteneriat cu Microsoft organizeaza joi 26.03.2020 webinarul BUSINESS…

Rottaprint announces investments of 4 million euros in 2020

Rottaprint, the largest flexographic printing company producing self-adhesive labels and…

FlorideLux.ro opened the largest flower shop in Romania, following an investment of 90,000 euros

The concept of FlorideLux Izvor is a combination between the florist, showroom and workshop,…

Proleasing Motors, an entirely Romanian company, estimates that it exceeds all the objectives for 2019 and provides new investments for the development of the business in the next 3 years

To this result have contributed the invidual increases on all lines of business of…

The Jidvei Group has focused on communication, investments and innovation in 2019

Jidvei has celebrated this year 20 years since the privatization of the company, the…

Does the competition for attracting investments in the auto industry keep Romania in step?

The auto industry is slowly but surely falling, the colossus in the industry have…

Filip & Company assisted LafargeHolcim Group in the acquisition of Somaco, owned by the Oresa investment fund

This transaction will be one of the key elements of the sustained success of…

PENNY Market: investments in sustainability projects of over 7.5 million euros in the last two years

Sustainability is not just a trend, it is part of the company's growth strategy

Elite Business Women launches the first investment fund dedicated exclusively to women

The first investment fund dedicated exclusively to women is launched today, informs AGERPRES