

234 results (tag: home)

'First Home' project continues in 2013 with EUR 200 million ceiling amount

Romanian Government approved an emergency ordinance on the adoption of measures to improve…

GFR Grand Logistic has nothing to do with Romanian Railway Group nor Grampet Group

Grampet Group wishes to clarify that the company engaged in bank fraud case -…

Continental Wind Seeking Buyer for Romanian Wind-Power Project

Continental Wind Partners LLC, the U.S. renewable-energy company that developed Europe’s…

National Institute of Statistics: Completion of household units drops to 26,650 at nine months this year

Number of residential units completed in the first nine months of this year decreased…

Romania allocates smallest GDP percentage in EU to welfare

Romania allocated 17.6 percent of its GDP in 2010 for welfare, the smallest percentage…

Fantanele-Cogealac wind farm becomes operational

Last of the 240 wind turbines in Fantanele-Cogealac wind farm (south-east, on the Black…