

11 results (tag: Criza)

Permacrisis, subject of intense debates at the 21st edition of the CEO Conference - Shaping the Future conference in Cluj-Napoca

How will the business environment respond to the complex challenges of 2024? Current forecasts…

Cum ne adaptam afacerea la un viitor incert?

Cum si-au adaptat companiile strategiile pentru a respecta politicile de securitate in…

Munca de acasa si noua realitate in care traim transforma Work Life Balance in Work Life Integration

Fii online si participa la un webinar gratuit sa inveti cum sa ai grija…

WEBINAR- Rethink Strategy – Continuity, Challenges and Opportunities

DoingBusiness.ro in parteneriat cu Microsoft organizeaza joi 26.03.2020 webinarul BUSINESS…

Survival Guide: what can businesses in Romania do to avoid the economic crisis following the COVID-19 pandemic

ContentSpeed ​​has been supporting traditional retail and distribution companies for over…

U.G.I.R. calls on the Government to adopt a series of measures to support the economy during the COVID-19 crisis

The General Union of Industries of Romania (U.G.I.R.), the national employers' representative…

COVID-19 - Mobility in times of crisis

As Covid-19 continues to spread, the problem of how to approach the virus in…

CRISISPEDIA – the conference of crisis communication experts

‘It can take 20 years to build a reputation and only 5 minutes to…

CBRE Romania: Best post crisis year for the office market

The total area of offices traded in the capital is expected to reach 240,000…

Agribusinesses bloom after the first wave of crisis

The number of businesses in agriculture had one of the highest growth rates, with…

FPP - Romanian SME's  in critical condition after the first wave of crisis

Post-Privatization Foundation (FPP) releases today the FPP report on the SME sector in…