

101 results (tag: strategic)

Change of Energy Paradigm

If Edison would have invented the infrared goggles instead of the incandescence lamp,…

The quest for yield

Several aspects to be considered in approaching the agriculture outlook: looking to the…

Solutions for growth

Within the international macroeconomic landscape, the priorities of agriculture sector…

Abundance of added value – new approach of wholesale

The access of small agricultural entrepreneurs to project financing depends a lot on at…

Agriculture - Made in Romania

Agriculture states for a largely significant role in making the math regarding Romania’s…

Reinvesting the past into the future

Agriculture, a strategic and fast growing sector currently, seems to move faster than…

Switch in the collective business mental framework

A switch in the collective business mental framework is needed in order to ink…

A broader approach of money

There is a need for more complex perspective on international capital markets, as the…

Taking on an opportunity

In order to move forward in economy, a matter of efficiency consists of identifying…

For a coherent and incisive economic diplomacy

More Govt. lobby and incisive diplomacy is needed in order to promote the Romanian…

The power of options

An economy cannot call itself competitive if it doesn’t provide alternatives to the banking…

Chasing private money: Facing a better North

Signs of recovery are visible in certain sectors with the most significant transactions…