

123 results (tag: energy)

Besides anything else, ‘Self-Investment’ has become paramount for Romania

In a tense global economic environment like the one we’re experiencing today, investors…

Back in 2000?

Looking at the automotive market figures, one could easily think we have traveled in…

The right way? The Green way

Energy as strategic sector needs more than ever, a predictable business environment. During…

It all depends on the start

As in many other areas, by the end, everything is related to the people’s…

Which road to take first?

Romania most urgently needs to fully develop and modernize its motorway and roadway infrastructure

Reviewing the package of regulations in the energy sector

Taking "immediate measures" again, as the authorities did it for the last 10 years,…

The need for the predictable energy sector

Key word in energy is investment in a stable, predictable business environment. Latest…

Priorities for the energy sector

In a turbulent global economic environment, which rather challenges investors, the Romanian…

Taking by the best handle

Several aspects to be considered in developing a national long-term strategy, uttered…

Reconsidering value scales

Starting from the beginning, learning respect - the first lesson in economy, states Vasile…

Education, the first step to competiveness

Several immediate measures to be taken by local authorities and regulation bodies are…

Prioritizing, restructuring, implementing

Three solid steps to be applied in economy, states Steven van Groningen, President of…