

100 results (tag: Social)

Long-term innovation is the key to successful growth and development

When it comes to being innovative, the members of Cluj IT Cluster truly believe…

Openness towards innovation should be cultivated

Michelin is a leading tire company, dedicated to sustainably improving the mobility of…

Software innovation – a necessity

It is true that innovation doesn’t mean just the invention of things, but that…

Perspectives on VAT and other fiscal regulations

Luisiana Dobrinescu, Lawyer and Founder of Dobrinescu Dobrev SCA and Anca Grigore, Consultant…

Watch out for Energy Watchdog!

2011 and especially 2012 were special. The drought affected the production of large hydro…

Catching up with the modern consumer

Expansion continues to be the most important business development strategy for modern…

Addressing a rational informed consumer

If I were to describe the consumer in 2 words, and I am referring…

Tactic for investments: a matter of coordination and discipline

There is no business without trust and trust goes both ways, involving stakeholders that…

The key word for the universal language of business is predictability

Romanian business and political elites should embark on a new major challenge, pooling…

Reforming the health system - a priority

The reform of the health system which should be passed in a foreseeable future,…

Demographic evolution - challenging the business strategy

When it comes to social protection I do not believe the political orientation of…

Educating on the upsides of financial planning

Solving the issues of public health system should start with defining, interpretation…