

1051 results (tag: war)

Tourism, not a walk in the park

Increased operational costs, lower budgets for travel and corporate events, the endless…

Ensight study: „What is the current status of HR in Romania? - second edition, 2012

Ensight Management Consulting presents the results of the study „What is the current status…

The Romanian automotive industry: changing gear or changing lanes?

With a car density lower than ½ of the EU average (according to the…

Pharmaceutical Market – Reaping the fruits of past actions

After, 2009 and 2010, years with double-digit growth, the chronic underfunding and the…

Metal industry faces bleak perspectives

The optimism generated by the good results obtained in 2010 faded a year later,…

Better than expected

The Romanian machinery sector, which includes aircraft, railway, military and naval producers,…

In pursuit of a robust IT market

The Romanian IT market grew steadily in 2011 and the upswing continued at a…

The mobile maze: when communication goes digital

In an environment influenced by the eurozone’s macroeconomic conditions, Romania’s telecom…

An industry at war

If glass producers saw an increase in demand starting with the second part of…

Shining future for solar power

Discussions around global warming, together with reduction in natural resources traditionally…

Moderate raise keeps market af loat

What has by now become a cliché is the degree to which the economic…

Building industry’s performance returns on upward path, after two years of double-digit decline

The performance of the building industry returned in the positive area in 2011, after…