

29 results (tag: wage growth)

Performance management – good system, poor system

The management population in Romania is over 100,000, of which about 33% are women.…

What industries will grow in 2018?

Romania's economic prospects in 2018 are nebulous. Company decision makers are reserved…

Valoria survey: Companies are bracing up for a though year

According to the survey „Business evolution in 2017”, amid the political turmoil at the…

Truly significant investments require a long term to develop and mature

The two sectors where I think Romania could develop true economic growth engines are…

Companies Face Difficulties in Capitalizing on Strong Internal Demand

The Romanian consumption grows at the highest pace in the CEE region.

wiiw Forecast: Growth Stabilises in the EU Member States of Central and Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans

Fiscal space has widened in several countries, thus granting governments more room in…

Outlook for 2016-20

Macroeconomic policy since the 2008-09 global economic crisis has largely corrected internal…

CEE’ing Past the BRICs: Central and Eastern Europe’s economies have decoupled from global emerging markets

CEE growth of 3.1% in 2016 nearly double that of euro area (1.6%) despite…

Creating value for customers while keeping a close eye on efficiency

The equipment demand for the automotive industry is augmented this year by other heavy…

Outlook for 2015-19

Macroeconomic policy since the global economic crisis of 2008-09 has largely corrected…

Consumer optimism not enough for stable growth

The Romanian economy started the year on a strong footing with a 4.3% yoy…

Romania climbs for the first time in top 15 most attractive countries in Europe regarding the number of FDI projects

Romania became the sixth country in Europe by the number of FDI jobs created,…