

8 results (tag: technology adoption)

Artificial Intelligence: a forward-looking phenomenon or a catalyst for a people-centric organizational culture?

Author: Claudia Sofianu, Partner, People Advisory Services leader, EY Romania

EY CFO Imperative: The finance function must become more involved in data strategy, more connected, and led by a talent ambition that embraces diversity and cultural change

The finance function evolves in the current business environment and it must become more…

Organizations That Migrate to Cloud Primarily as a One-Time Cost Savings Activity  Risk Missing Out on Competitive Advantages, Accenture Report Finds

Those achieving the most with cloud — “Continuum Competitors” — treat cloud as an…

Impact of COVID-19 increases urgency of digital technology investments for oil and gas; workforce skills gaps hinder ROI

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated the timeline for digital technology…

Identifying Digital Trends in Emerging Markets

By Karinne Lelouch and Gustavo Gomez

Deloitte survey: organizations spend less than 5% of revenues on technology

The pandemic has accelerated the timeline for technology adoption and digitization, presenting…

Deloitte technology predictions for 2020: the rise of AI-embedded smartphones, the first private 5G networks and 1 million enterprise robots sold

More than 750 million AI chips embedded in portable devices such as high-end smartphones…

Deloitte study: blockchain technology, among the top five strategic priorities for organizations

Blockchain solutions are among the top five strategic priorities that organizations are…