

415 results (tag: sales)

Growing Beyond - How high performers are accelerating ahead

In this report: The benchmark findings for this report are drawn from a study…

New investments need Government support

Romania is ranked as one of the cheapest producers of raw wood in the…

Production of textiles recovers slowly after the 2009 plunge

The domestic consumption of textiles shrank dramatically during 2009-2011, by even two…

With a slow economic recovery ahead, retailers cannot afford to think short term

One year ago, I was writing about how mass grocery retailers bet on accelerated…

How to survive on a shrinking market

Whether 2011 was the year in which local advertising agencies took over European creativity…

How fast are consumer goods moving?

Confronted with the financial crisis, consumers are now shopping in a more tempered and…

Ensight study: „What is the current status of HR in Romania? - second edition, 2012

Ensight Management Consulting presents the results of the study „What is the current status…

The Romanian automotive industry: changing gear or changing lanes?

With a car density lower than ½ of the EU average (according to the…

In pursuit of a robust IT market

The Romanian IT market grew steadily in 2011 and the upswing continued at a…

Projects rush

The cumulative turnover of the top ten companies comprised in 2011’s industrial engineering…

An industry at war

If glass producers saw an increase in demand starting with the second part of…

Moderate raise keeps market af loat

What has by now become a cliché is the degree to which the economic…