

11 results (tag: sales channels)

Horvath: 75% of world trade is done through indirect sales channels, but only a third of companies capitalize them adequately

At least 75% of world trade takes place through indirect sales channels (through partner…

2022, the year when resilience meets agility

Authors: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies Expert, Valoria; Dumitru…

Valoria survey: 78% of companies, compared to 53% at the beginning of the year, say that employee salaries have increased in 2021

The 10th edition of the survey “The business outlook in Romania" conducted by Valoria…

Marketing Managers struggle to understand the new buying preferences of the customers

However, the year 2021 changes the data of the problem and requires competence and…

Valoria survey: 67% of companies rely on streamlining their product/service portfolio and sales channels to grow in 2021

The new edition of the study "Evolution of business in Romania" conducted by Valoria…

Startup for large companies’ growth

Author: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends, and Technologies Expert

Agile innovativeness is king

Author: Jana Rude, Research Project Manager

Companies active on the retail segment, that own or lease industrial spaces, are counting on eCommerce development to recover the losses generated by effects of the Covid-19 epidemics

A multi-channel approach for logistics and industrial companies active in retail is expected…

Only one in four companies integrates all sales channels available

According to a SAP study, the world leader on the business software solutions and…

Meeting the post-financial crisis challenges: five steps for European banks to shape up

How can banks respond to a changing regulatory regime, meet their customer’s needs and…