

134 results (tag: reserve)

NBR Board decisions on monetary policy

Economic activity stepped up in 2022 Q1 at a stronger-than-foreseen pace, adding 5.2 percent…

PwC: Global M&A market down 20% in first half of 2022 after record high last year

In contrast, the number of deals completed globally has returned to pre-pandemic levels,…

PwC Top 100 listed companies in the world: Market capitalisation rose to a new record high of USD 35.2 trillion

Healthcare has been an above-average performing sector, with the value of its 16 companies…

PwC Report: Consumers around the world expect to spend more on groceries in the next six months and plan to cut back on luxury goods and dining out

The survey shows that people expect further price increases and are looking for ways…

PwC report: Green car sales continue to grow in Europe despite supply problems and high raw material prices, especially in Russia

The growth of sales in Romania and Europe confirms the impact of government incentives…

CEO Survey 2022: Share of Romanian CEOs expecting a slowdown in economic growth has doubled since the war in Ukraine broke out

So, the percentage of them expecting national GDP growth to accelerate has dropped to…

GECS 2022: 46% of organisations reported experiencing fraud or financial crime over the last 24 months

Overall, fraud and economic crime rates show no increase since 2020, despite supply chain…

Colliers: Romanian real estate investment market still has the resources to cross the 1 billion euro milestone in 2022

In line with 2020, the Romanian investment market recorded transactions of almost 900…

PwC report: More than 80% of central banks are considering launching a central bank digital currency or have already done so

Retail CBDC projects (digital currencies designed for public use) have reached greater…

EY Future Consumer Index: Rising costs dent post-pandemic hopes

Driven largely by the inflationary impact on prices and the anticipation of new COVID-19…

PwC NextGen 2022: Although succession plans are in place for 61% of family businesses, their current leaders are now less willing to relinquish control than before the pandemic

61% of the current leaders say that the family has a succession plan, and…

PwC Women in Work Index: Inequalities widened during the pandemic, erasing at least two years of progress over the past decade

Childcare and domestic work responsibilities played a significant role in causing women…