

72 results (tag: rca)

A glimpse into the audience of the Romanian online market

Checking the socio-demographical profiles of users visiting a company website can help…

Competition intensifies within Romania’s road fuels market

Competition is expected to further intensify in a slowly increasing market, generating…

Scanning the healthcare sector

During 2012, the domestic public healthcare system continued to embody underfunding and…

Road construction and transportation “status quo”

A good transportation infrastructure and a wide network of motorways are sources of competitive…

We live in the age of transparency: Corporate reporting climb executives' priorities

95% of the top 250 largest companies in the world emit corporate responsibility reports

Romanian photovoltaic (PV) industry

Romania is a member of the European Union since January 1st, 2007 and one…

Mandatory mediation prior to litigious proceedings

Law No 192 / 2006, regarding mediation and the organisation of mediator’s profession,…

KPMG’s Global Automotive Executive Survey 2012

KPMG's 2012 global survey shows that the automotive industry continues to face environmental…

Renewable energy country attractiveness indices

What will future generations say about 2012? New markets have ricocheted across the renewables…

Ensight study: „What is the current status of HR in Romania? - second edition, 2012

Ensight Management Consulting presents the results of the study „What is the current status…

Romania’s ethernal and fascinating promise

The national under-regulation and the strict regulation at EU level are paradoxically…

Priorities for the Romanian national energy strategy, report by Deloitte Romania

Romania does not have an energy strategy adapted to the imperatives of the present…