

5 results (tag: pediatric)

DENT ESTET 4 KIDS, balance at the end of summer: the number of teeth saved from dental trauma for children increases

Attendance at the pediatric dentist within one hour after the trauma increases the chance…

KPMG analysis: 3 million lei - The average lifetime tax paid by a family with one child in Romania.  How do the authorities spend our taxes?

How much money do we pay to the state over our lifetime and what…

Higher expectations from patients trigger dentistry market growth

Investing in education, innovation and a strong management system is the key for leadership…

Innovation leads the way to success

Innovation has been the engine of evolution ever since and its results are becoming…

The two-headed healthcare system – the dinosaur and the phoenix. Expected trends for the coming years

The healthcare system in Romania is dominated by the public sector, through an array…