

10 results (tag: management positions)

Performance bonuses, additional days off, life insurance, kindergarten are the extra-salary benefits that managers and specialists most frequently request

Other important benefits for specialists or for candidates aiming for management positions…

Deloitte study: the inflexible work schedule is the main reason why women changed jobs during the last year or plan to change them now

Women feel they need to prioritize the careers of their partners, who are the…

Business Conference (r) Evolution in Iasi

Digitalization - Trend or Tsunami? How does digitization transform Romania's economy

Valoria survey: ”The engines” of CSR slow down

70% of respondents in the 2018 edition, compared with 72% in 2017, helped the…

5 attributes of the digital leader

Although gluey leadership models that are summed up to the figure of one person…

IB Cargo, big enough to have all logistical solutions and small enough to care

We create customized solutions for freight forwarding, because we believe that personalization…

Europe’s family businesses increasingly confident despite increased competition

KPMG and EFB have launched the 4th edition of the European Family Business Barometer,…

Ensight presents the results of the study HR in Romania, 3rd edition

Ensight Management Consulting presents the results of its 3rd study regarding the current…

New business models: The merge of manufacturing and services

The industrial new revolution brings industry back to Europe and this is a fact…

Why do you need a Chief Resource and Energy Officer?

Commodities and natural resources drive roughly 10% of global GDP and underpin the performance…