

497 results (tag: investments)

Investment Daily Romania, December 12

Hidroelectrica to resume the refurbishment of Stejaru power plant; EU antitrust regulators…

Global Oil and Gas Reserves Study

Global oil reserves increased by 1% and 4% gas reserves in 2011. Revenues from…

Renewable energy country attractiveness indices

What will future generations say about 2012? New markets have ricocheted across the renewables…

The new edition of Major Companies in Romania available from November 15th

It is four years since many countries around the world have been struggling with…

New investments need Government support

Romania is ranked as one of the cheapest producers of raw wood in the…

With a slow economic recovery ahead, retailers cannot afford to think short term

One year ago, I was writing about how mass grocery retailers bet on accelerated…

How to survive on a shrinking market

Whether 2011 was the year in which local advertising agencies took over European creativity…

The two-headed healthcare system – the dinosaur and the phoenix. Expected trends for the coming years

The healthcare system in Romania is dominated by the public sector, through an array…

The real state of real estate in Romania

There are some good news and some bad news regarding the Real Estate industry…

Tourism, not a walk in the park

Increased operational costs, lower budgets for travel and corporate events, the endless…

The Romanian automotive industry: changing gear or changing lanes?

With a car density lower than ½ of the EU average (according to the…

Romania’s ethernal and fascinating promise

The national under-regulation and the strict regulation at EU level are paradoxically…