

126 results (tag: india)

EY study: Digital public services explosion fuels citizens' privacy concerns

Governments pushing ahead with increased online services run the risk of alienating large…

PwC Report: The productivity boost from 5G technology will add USD 1.3 trillion to global GDP by 2030

PwC’s projections show that 5G technology, used in conjunction with investments in artificial…

PwC and World Economic Forum report: Investments in upskilling would lead to the creation of 5.3 million net new jobs by 2030

The report notes that unemployment is expected to rise as economies continue to experience…

Identifying digital trends in emerging markets

As a result of the pandemic, consumer online habits increased in both emerging and…

COVID-19 pandemic to disrupt consumer holiday shopping plans, according to EY Future Consumer Index

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transition to online shopping. Online shopping…

Deloitte study: Europeans' concerns regarding financial and employment problems diminished in the first four months since COVID-19 restrictions have eased

Relaxing the restrictions adopted in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic was one of…

Family businesses face complex, shifting tax landscape

The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have emphasized the need for family businesses…

PwC Report: Blockchain technologies could boost the global economy USD 1.76 trillion by 2030

At a sector level, the biggest beneficiaries look set to be the public administration,…

COVID-19 pandemic slows global IPO activity YTD 2020

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continued to play a significant role in declining…

Deloitte State of Consumer Tracker: more than half of the European consumers plan to postpone buying a new vehicle

All the sectors related to mobility have been heavily shaken by the recent health…

Coronavirus Global Economic Outlook: July 2020

This baseline forecast is assigned a 41.0-51.0% probability at a one-year horizon