

9 results (tag: healthcare industry)

Tremend celebrates 16 years in business and estimates a 30 million Euros turnover by the end of 2021

With dozens of new clients added to its portfolio in 2021, from various industries…

Studiu Valoria: Multe industrii fac Valoria survey: Many industries are just taking their first steps in digitalizationabia primii pasi in digitalizare

If managers in most industries do not consider digital business models a threat to…

Valoria survey: 78% of respondent companies are struggling with a drastic drop in demand

The new edition of the survey "The Business Outlook in 2020" conducted by Valoria…

The lure of consumption-based growth strikes back

Top executives say that lowering the taxation of work is the immediate main measure…

Valoria business outlook survey: Managers say that lowering the taxation of work is the main measure that would lead to the improvement of the business environment

The new edition of the survey "Romanian Business Outlook in 2019" launched today by…

Comparative data 2017-2019 in the new edition of Valoria on Business Evolution

The new edition of "Business Evolution in 2019", released today by Valoria and developed…

Companies say 2018 will be bad for business

According to the study "Business outlook in 2018" released today by Valoria and conducted…

Acute or chronic: the impact of economic crisis on healthcare, report by KPMG Romania

The deepening economic crisis in the Eurozone has exposed health systems around the world,…