

7 results (tag: cyber incidents)

DefCamp 2023: The number of incidents caused by ransomware attacks increased by 79%

Ways to prepare for such attacks, as well as solutions to today's cybersecurity problems,…

Cyber leaders’ confidence in their organization’s defenses plummets, but costs mount

While the number of cyber threats and associated costs are increasing, cybersecurity leaders…

Allianz Risk Barometer 2022: Cyber ​​risks ahead of global pandemic risk

Cyber ​​incidents are the biggest threat to companies around the world in 2022

Allianz Risk Barometer 2021: 3 interconnected risks in the context of COVID-19, in top

Downtime, pandemic and cyber attacks are the top 3 risks for companies around the…

Allianz Risk Barometer 2020: Cyber top peril for companies globally for the first time

The study highlights that cyber risk and climate change are two significant challenges…

Lack of talent hinders organizations from keeping up with the pace of change, shows KPMG CIO 2016 survey

More CIOs report directly to the CEO (34 percent) than at any time in…